Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Is This What Sabbath Sounded Like To My "Dad"?

    Lately, my oldest daughter has moved past The Bieber, the Gaga, and that filthy, herped-out whore Kesha with her musical tastes. You would think that would make me happy. Well, ok, it does a little bit. But, there's a downside. Her new thing is dubstep. 
    To those not familiar with dubstep, it's kind of like techno without any effort applied to making it musical. Like industrial thrash techno. Imagine you have a blender and you keep turning it off and on and throwing ice cubes in it every now and then. Put a drum machine in the mix and you've got dubstep. 
    Listening to dubstep - for me - is slightly less pleasing than if someone pressed their asshole to my ear and took a shit in my head. Your experience may differ. 
    So anyway, I came home today and my daughter is blasting dubstep. So of course, I have to say something. You know, something that parents say to their kids about their music as has played out in living rooms and car interiors for generations before me. I tell her that dubstep sounds like a kazoo that got lodged in Brown Boulevard after a burrito convention. She then tells me how awesome it is. I take the opportunity to vocalize my personal interpretation of dubstep. She laughs and within seconds, she is playing me the following video...

I'm not getting too old, dubstep does irredeemably suck ass, right?

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