Tuesday, September 25, 2012

They Killed Off Opie

   Motherfucker. I'm never gonna watch this fucking show again. Opie? Really? Fuck you Kurt Sutter. Fuck you in the ass with the driest, pointiest, disease-ridden cactus that has spiders in it. I'm sure it plays to the story, but fucking A, I have been waiting all of these seasons for Opie to get justice for everything and you just took that from me.  For me, this was the series finale. Fuck you, Kurt Sutter.

fyi: When Opie shot Clay, I jumped out of my chair (no shit).

Bad O-s Song of the Day

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Tree I Call 'Satan's Asshole'...

...dropped another bomb in my backyard Saturday night. This time it was a nice hefty fifty-footer.

  So much for the swingset. I guess the forty foot rope swing will just have to do from now on. The branch feel from a tree in my backyard that I refer to as "Satan's Asshole". This mother fucker is always dropping giant loads in my yard. Behold, Satan's Asshole:

  Some people may get upset about having to deal with this kind of shit, but I actually don't mind it really. There are very few things in life that I can truly focus on and this is one of them. I really enjoy having to plot out the safest route through these "droppings" and the danger of it all really puts my brain on point. The cutting on the right of this last break in the above picture was a perfect example. I had to get up in that tree with my twenty-inch and cut down a fucking monster branch and second only to smashing my old Honda CRX head-on into a pole, it was one of the scariest things I've had to face. That one I landed perfectly and all the plotting and planning beforehand paid off and that moment when the branch let go was just a rush and when it didn't come back on me and kill me, just fantastic. The one to the right of that was a similar experience. So, it's all good I guess.

   This is me and my twenty yesterday, part way through clearing:

I am the Slayer of Satan's Asshole

This is two hours into the cutting (includes break-time);

Friday, September 14, 2012

Bad-O's Song of the Day

I miss you so much. It was honestly real. Pain is what I feel longing for you.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wish List

   I want an app for my Android that listens to surrounding conversation and if it hears the word "shark", I want it to scream like a B-movie bimbo.

Bad-O's Song of the Day

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bad-O's Song of the Day

Uncensored Tips for the Married and Involved

Guys, never ever ever ever point your asshole at your wife. Even if you are butt-ass naked in a room with your wife and drop a baby in a corner. Never point your hairy asshole at your wife, ever.

Ladies, if your man does laundry, never ever ever let him wash your panties. Y'all make fun of men's underwear, but trust me, yours are worse. Your man doesn't want to know all that shit. His vision of your beautiful ass in your panties should never be tainted by what he saw in the laundry. Keep it in a special laundry bag, tell him you have to use special settings and detergents, and wash them all yourself. 

You will thank me in twenty years.