...that saying the wrong thing would have disastrous consequences? This is about the third time I've had similar conversations with this kid. You meet all kinds of people on the internet. I'm not going to lead anyone's thinking on the following despite what happened today in Connecticut.
This is an actual conversation I had just about an hour ago and I didn't bother to change any names. I am particularly bothered by the fact that I feel like I'm in a "blue wire, red wire" situation. Every time I talk to this kid, I feel like if I fuck up, it will be a colossal fuck up. Although I feel I am able to keep it contained as I have been there and I can relate and I know what to say, I really don't like being in this situation.
Anyway, if anyone reads my bullshit, this isn't bullshit and I would appreciate any input. The following is 100% real and unedited.
Never tell your password to anyone.
[VLR] connor: hey grim
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: wattup
[VLR] connor: nothing really i jsut got off l4d2 cause i got this girl telling me to shut up
[VLR] connor: and the other team get lucky break unlike us
[VLR] connor: how u been?
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: well, you can be a tad chatty sometimes
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: i've been good
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: you?
[VLR] connor: even my parent's admit that but what do u except i have no social life
[VLR] connor: only games, i try not to be annoying or play with anyone just bbe by myself forever
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: yeah, i used to have none either
[VLR] connor: no one excepts me for who i am, no one helps me out
[VLR] connor: u know what that's like right
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: yup
[VLR] connor: gives u the feeling u don't want to live anymore
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: what the fuck did i tell you about that shit before?
[VLR] connor: all i wanted was friends, i've lost trying to get what is not posssible, i only want respect now
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: don't make fucking life decisions based on your teenage years
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: being a teenager blows
[VLR] connor: espically one who only has games and music to cheer him up
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: I only had music
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: at least you have games.
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: there was no internets when I was a teenager
[VLR] connor: sorry man
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: not your fault, you weren't alive to invent it for me
[VLR] connor: i just wish life was good at one point you think by now i'd be giving some respect
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: nah. not when you're a teenager
[VLR] connor: makes u want to idk gdo something great to get attention
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: i assume that by "something great" you mean cure cancer or some shit
[VLR] connor: mabye go to that kindergarden school and kill or capture those killers
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: that fucker's already dead. Those pricks always off themselves.
[VLR] connor: idk but when i heard about it i got mad like the feeling that u want to go punch him in the gut
[VLR] connor: i though there was 2
[VLR] connor: one's dead and the other is catured
[VLR] connor: captured
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: You know, last weekend I went to Philabundance to go pack up food for poor people. You ever think about doing some nice shit for people?
[VLR] connor: i have i've donated canned foods at my school
[VLR] connor: was gonna bring some toys in but didn't have enough time
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: No, that's bush-league
[VLR] connor: u mean actually walk to a poor person and give them something they don't have>
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: I'm talking about finding a place (like Philabundance) and going there and packing up food or something. Get to meet people, feel good about yourself... you know, shit like that.
[VLR] connor: i know what your talking about
[VLR] connor: no i've never done that but sometimes i wish i will
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: Thanksgiving I went to Camden NJ to the mission over there and helped restock the shelves while the poor folks came through to get food.
[VLR] connor: somebody's got a good heart
[VLR] connor: i wish it were that simple though
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: Get to meet all kinds of people who also help out, see people worse off than yourself.
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: You know?
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: It's just a thought
[VLR] connor: i would like to help others but how from my standpoint?
[VLR] connor: i got no car, no job to buy anything and give it tho them nothing
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: THem bits I did didn't cost me shit except my time.
[VLR] connor: so it was alrdy there u just gave it to them?
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: The Camden bit I do every Thanksgiving week and I go through my wife's church. I don't go to church, but she has me hooked up.
[VLR] connor: yeah i'm pretty bad about going to church 2
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: Last weekend it was at Philabundance's warehouse, there was a shitload of people there,
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: If you can find some way to do it, there's always people willing to give a ride.
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: Turn that negative energy into something fucking productive
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: just a thought
[VLR] connor: how i'm just a teen i can't do anything right now?
[VLR] connor: if anything i have to relie on my parnets
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: So, find something local and go do it and get 'em to drop you off.
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: Do something positive
[VLR] connor: i'll think about it
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: Good
[VLR] connor: if i can't be accepted by anyone at least i can do good
[VLR] connor: and earn my way into heaven if possible
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: exactly
[VLR] connor: i should stop caring about what others think of me anyways
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: You go do good shit and you'll be amazed who respects you
[VLR] connor: that's nice to hear
[VLR] connor: thanks for the info
[VLR] connor: good conversation
[VLR] connor: i'll see what i can do to make a difference
(SGS MC) The Grim Retard: I hope so. Much better than sitting around being a fucking mope
[VLR] connor: true
[VLR] connor is now Away.
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